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We understand the essential role parents play in their child's education. This page is designed to provide you with valuable resources, important updates, and helpful information to support your involvement in your child's academic journey. Together, we can create a strong partnership to ensure your child's success. Explore the various resources available and feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns. 

Daily Schedule

Regular School Hours:

7:45 A.M. Arrival

8:00 - 3:15 Monday - Thursday

8:00 - 1:30  Friday

*Students are expected to be in their seats and ready to learn at 7:55 a.m.*


After School Care

CSCA partners with Sonii's Playroom for before and after school care!

Sonii's Playroom is only for CSCA students


CCCAP Funding Accepted

Arrival/ Dismissal

At CSCA, we strive to ensure a smooth and convenient drop-off and pick-up process for both parents and students. To enhance efficiency, we have implemented Driveline, an innovative system that streamlines the pick-up procedure.


​Driveline Afternoon Pickup operates from 3:15 pm to 3:30 pm, Monday to Thursday, and from 1:30 pm to 1:45 pm on Fridays. On early release days, it will be available from noon to 12:30 pm.

​For morning drop-off, we welcome students between 7:30 am and 7:55 am. Students arriving between 7:30 am and 7:45 am will be directed to the cafeteria until they are released to their respective classes.



Colorado Springs Charter Academy is dedicated to cultivating an enriching environment that nurtures the learning and development of our students. Central to this mission is our commitment to a uniform policy that fosters equality, modesty, unity, self-respect, and respect for others. 

​Our thoughtfully designed guidelines not only uphold these values but also offer cost-effective simplicity and versatility.

​For details on our uniform policy, please refer to the provided guidelines.

Should you have any inquiries, please reach out to your child's teacher or the Head of the School.

Volunteer Information

Parental involvement at Colorado Springs Charter Academy is highly valued and expected. We believe that active participation from parents/legal guardians is essential in creating a thriving school community. By volunteering, families not only contribute to their child's education but also gain firsthand experience of our school's philosophy in action.


  • Two parent family: 40 hours per year (both parents in the same household).

  • Deployed parents: Single parent family requirements apply when a parent is deployed for military service.

  • Joint parenting family: 20 hours per parent (total of 40 hours per year) when parents share responsibility but live in separate households.

  • Single parent family: 15 hours per year when one parent is solely responsible for the child's care.

  • You do not need a teaching certificate to volunteer


​At CSCA, all members of the child's extended family are welcome to volunteer and must log their hours on the CSCA website. Failure to complete volunteer hours may result in the loss of sibling priority privileges. Families with circumstances preventing them from volunteering should make alternative arrangements with the Head of School. 

Reliability is expected, and if absent, notification should be given to the school in advance. During volunteering, follow the teacher's instructions, avoid discussing classroom suggestions, and dress appropriately as a role model. Young children should not be brought to the school while volunteering due to the unavailability of daycare. It is important to maintain confidentiality and not share information or impressions about students.

​To log volunteer hours visit



At CSCA, we believe in fostering strong communication and engagement between our school and parents. That's why we provide weekly newsletters to keep parents informed about the latest happenings with their students and within the school.


Our newsletters serve as a valuable resource, providing updates on important events, curriculum highlights, student achievements, and other relevant information.


By keeping parents engaged, we strive to create a collaborative partnership that supports the success and well-being of our students.

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